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Video Hosting: Facebook vs. YouTube and Why You Need Video Content

1. EdgeRank. Facebook places heavy value on video content, especially when uploaded to their servers. This means it's more likely to show up on your fans feeds. I say on their servers because Facebooks EdgeRank seems to favor content that keeps the user on their network. This applies to content other than videos as well. For example, a link to another Facebook page seems to be valued more than an outbound link to a site, like cloutsmiths.com

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2. You can't skim a video, if you have a message, it's easier to get across in a video. This is especially true with streaming.

3. People like videos! Sometimes after a long day the last thing you want to do is read another article. When that's the case, I switch to Googles video search and try and find someone to show me what I'm looking for. (another way to put this point, people are lazy. Especially your author)

4. Videos are extremely easy to share. Unlike images and text which are generally decoupled from their respective share buttons, a video contains within the boundaries of it's image everything you need to tweet it or post it on Facbeook and it's always attributed to the original owner.

When it comes time to post a video, the creator is faced with a tough decision, Youtube or Facebook? Like so many things, the answer will be both. We want as many people to see the video as possible, so share it as widely as possible.

But, when you want to embed the video on your blog, which video should you share? Facebook or Youtube? They both make it so easy. When it comes to embedding video the first thing to think about is leakage. If a user clicks on a video and winds up at YouTube, what do you think the chances of the coming back to your site are? I'll put my money on zero. Charlie Bit my Finger has them forever and you lost a visitor. Instead, if the user visits Facebook, there is at least a chance that they will take the time to like your page or share your video. Its just so much easier to interact with your content and stay engaged with what you have produced on Facebook. There are ads, but they aren't explicitly related, unlike the "suggestions" column on YouTube which will be sure to draw your audience into the YouTube black hole.

When you host a video on Facebook and embed it in your site, the user is given just three options, watch it again, share it or go to your page. Also, unlike YouTube, Facebook doesn't allow other users to embed your video. You end up with complete control over the entire process. What could be better?

However, for the sake of SEO, our old friend, you should also post the video to YouTube, and possibly with a slightly different title. YouTube is great for SEO because you can name your video, describe it and tag it, all with links back to your website.

Its clear that video content is king. A trend started with Tim Ferriss (at least he claims it did), but it seems like every new hit book is coming out with a video trailer. Yup, that's right, video trailers for books. Its hard to think of a more mismatched combo, but as this video recently released by the Toms shoes guy shows it's an effective way to get attention.

The best part about video is that it is an almost surefire way to build credibility. People want to look at other people when getting advice. Putting a face to your business or blog is sure to earn you traffic and even loyal followers. This is the same reason you should always use a photo of yourself as your Twitter icon, it establishes you as a real human being. Someone relatable instead of an amorphous logo. For more on this phenomenon and how to take advantage of it, be sure to check out the book.

So get out there and start producing! If you don't have a camera check out my affiliate link below and buy yourself what I consider to be the best entry level DSLR Hi-Def camera. It takes amazing photos and amazing video.

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Posted in Cleaning Services Post Date 07/30/2018






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