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Regina, Saskatchewan Booming!

This just in, Regina is the place to be. The economy is growing and more people are migrating into the province than out of it for the first time in a long time. It was front page news in this morning's Regina Leader-Post, with multiple stories talking about the positive outlook for Regina and the rest of Saskatchewan.

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A Conference Board of Canada Study has Saskatoon's GDP growth targeted for 4.7%, overtaking Calgary for biggest growth in the country. Regina is forcasted at 3.5% growth, the fastest in a decade. The attitude in Saskatchewan is decidedly positive, making now the perfect time for entrepreneurs, businesses, skilled labourers, and home owners to position themselves for success.

LRS Consulting team member Sean Stefan and his wife Katlyn have been active in the quest to change attitudes about Regina and the province of Saskatchewan. As members of the RREDA Future Leader's Group they helped put on the "Think Regina" event in Calgary this past May. In today's front page Leader-Post feature, Jill Welke of RREDA reports that there have been 20 confirmed hires by Regina companies that can be directly traced back to the Think Regina event.

Sean has also been pictured in a recent billboard campaign running throughout Alberta. The campaign is an initiative of the Saskatchewan Government's Advanced Education and Employment.

His name was passed along after having the chance to tell his and Katlyn's story about choosing to settle down in Saskatchewan after spending time in Alberta. The two met working in Alberta, where Katlyn had spent nearly her whole life. Katlyn made the decision to move to Saskatchewan to finish her business degree, but after the school year the two moved back to Alberta to work for another summer. Coming to the end of their degrees, they had to make a choice about where to settle down and Regina turned out to be the only real choice. It was a place where the two could make an impact in their careers while balancing that with an enjoyable personal life. They now own a home in Regina, recently got married, and have great career potential (Sean with LRS Consulting and Katlyn with Meyers Norris Penny). That being said, they still have plenty of time to spend with their beagle puppy Finn, play some golf, ride horses, and spend plenty of time out and about in the community.

Sean has told this story when he had the opportunity to speak alongside Mayor Pat Fiacco and outgoing ISC President and CEO Mark MacLeod at the Think Regina event as well as others with a passion for Saskatchewan at the most recent I Love Regina Day festivities in Victoria Park in June.

It's just one story, but for every one you hear there are plenty more out there. Saskatchewan is becoming the place to be in Canada, and in Regina business is set to take off. Are you on board?

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Posted in Cleaning Services Post Date 09/27/2018






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