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Nuke destroys Minecraft city. No sanctions filed yet.

This past Wednesday a good buddy of mine showed up at my house around 9PM this week with a case of beer and his laptop. Prior to that he had setup a "Feed The Beast" Minecraft server so we drank beers and built stuff. Not being a big regular drinker I was feeling pretty good right around beer 4 which is also when I discovered the Nuke. "Bahhh whatever" I said to myself. So I put down around 10 and lit one off.

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As my buddy from radiation poisoning he also had to wait a few minutes for his computer to catch up. Mine Core i7 handles it a little better but not much.

Hopefully he does file and sanctions on my Minecraft Country.

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Post Resources

https://meritconcrete.ca - Fantastic resource.

Posted in Cleaning Services Post Date 12/04/2018






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